The Circle app can notify you of several events related to what's going on with your Circle device so you can stay on top of everything that’s happening with your home Wi-Fi. You can access the notifications settings by going to Menu >> Manage >> Push Notifications, and here are what the notifications screen looks like:
Circle App Notifications
[Name] has reached their [Hour] hour [Minute] minute daily time limit. |
Alerts you when a family member has reached one of their Time Limits.
Looks like your Circle is offline. |
Alerts you that the Circle device can no longer talk to the Internet. This can happen when the Circle device is turned off or disconnected from your network, as well as when there is an Internet outage at your home or some other factor that might prevent the Circle device from getting online. NOTE: Your Circle device may still be able to manage your network at this time. If you get this alert, check the connection of your Circle device.
A new device [Device name] has joined your network. |
Lets you know that a new device has joined your home Wi-Fi, along with either the manufacturer information or device name.
[Device name] is now able to manage your home Circle. |
Notification for when someone has successfully setup the Circle App to manage your Circle device.
Looks like your Circle device needs some attention. The battery is running low. |
Alert for when your Circle device is running low on battery and could go offline soon.
Circle has been turned off. |
An alert telling you your Circle device has been turned off.
Your Circle has been reset to factory defaults. |
Notification that your Circle device has been reset to factory defaults.
To manage push notifications:
- In the Circle app, go to Menu >> Manage >> Push Notifications.
- Use the toggles to turn ON or OFF the notifications you’d like to receive from Circle.
- Press Save to retain your new notification settings.