There may be a time when you will not be able to find one of your devices in the Circle app's device list. If you do not see one of your devices in the list, use the interactive walkthrough or the written instructions below to get back on track.
If devices are not showing up in the Circle app:
- Refresh the device list.
From the home screen in the Circle app, tap the devices icon at the top right to open the device list. Then, drag your finger down the list to pull it down and refresh the list. Once it's refreshed, check to see if the device is now visible in the device list. - Connect your device to your home Wi-Fi.
Because the Circle device manages online connection and activity, it will only see devices that are connected to the Internet using the Wi-Fi that your Circle device is paired with. Make sure your device is connected to your home Wi-Fi network, and then refresh the device list after that. - Go to
Grab the device that is not showing up in your device list and go to on a web browser (like Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.) while that device is connected to the home Wi-Fi. MyCircle ought to display the device name that the Circle device knows to call that device, and it may be that its name is different than you expected it to be. You can learn more about how to to use the MyCircle page to identify devices here. - Check on your network's compatibility.
In some cases, the Circle device will not see devices on the network when they are connecting through an extender or a second router. Click here to check the compatibility of your router or extenders. Additionally, it may be that you have your network setup with multiple subnets or VLANs. The Circle device only manages one of these at a time, so you may need to reconfigure things in order for the Circle device to be able to see the devices you want to be managed. - Reboot the device, Circle, your router, and your device with the Circle app.
Often a reboot of your system (power it off and on again) can help get a device back online. This will force the device to reconnect to your network and grab a new spot in your network list. Rebooting your Circle and the device you use to make changes to it can also help make sure everything is working as intended. After the reboot wait about 15 minutes and then see if the device appears now. Remember: a reboot of your Circle or network will take them offline for a couple of minutes. Give each some time to come back online before trying to get online or connect.
Additional Resources
Use these links to find more help with finding your devices: