When you Pause a Family Member's internet activity, a device, or the whole network, sometimes it may take a few moments before the change takes effect. If you're still not seeing a change take effect after a minute or two something might be wrong. See below for troubleshooting steps.
Note: Unmanaged devices cannot be paused or managed by Circle. Assign them to any Filter level (including None) to enable management.
Having trouble with Settings Not Applying Quickly?
- Give your Circle a moment to apply the Pause. Sometimes this can take a second or two to kick in.
- Navigate to another page in the Circle app, and then try tapping Pause again.
- If the Pause still does not take effect, try closing your Circle app and then reopening it.
- Try powering your Circle off then on, waiting a couple minutes, and then trying again. You can also reboot your router and the device with this issue.
- Try a different connection for Circle. You can plug it directly into the router via Ethernet.
- Make sure you are making changes to the right device or profile. You can get help identifying devices here.
Advanced Troubleshooting
Still having trouble? You may need to change some settings on your router to resolve this issue.
- You might try turning IPv6 off and see if the change works. Test for IPv6 here and if it is supported disable via your router settings. You may need to talk with your Internet Service Provider to do so.
- Disable your Guest Network via the router settings and try again.
- You may need to try disabling your 5GHz band and see if that helps the issue. You can do so via the router settings as well.