Bedtimes help your family get a full night's sleep by shutting off internet access every night until a specified time the next morning.
Are you having trouble with a Bedtime not taking effect? See this troubleshooting article for assistance.
Your Bedtime starting early or late? Try this timezone help article.
Your Bedtime starting early or late? Try this timezone help article.
How do Bedtimes work?
- You can set up different Bedtimes for each of your profiles.
- Circle lets you set up different Bedtimes for Weeknight and Weekend days and choose which days get those.
- When a profile is in Bedtime the assigned devices won't be able to connect to any apps or sites except those you set up as Unmanaged.
- The "Awake" time for a Bedtime applies to the next day (for example a Bedtime for Friday starting at 10pm and awake at 7am will be over Saturday morning at 7am). Bedtimes after midnight also apply this rule.
How to set a Bedtime
- Launch the Circle app and tap a family member's profile.
- Tap Bedtime.
- Start by tapping Get Started.
- Select which Nights this Bedtime will apply to by tapping the day bubbles. A dark bubble means that day is selected.
- Tap the Bedtime section to pick a time for this profile's devices to lose access to the Internet.
- Tap the Awake section to pick a time for this profile's devices to regain access.
- Tap Save.
How to set a weekend Bedtime
- Launch the Circle app and tap a family member's profile.
- Tap Bedtime.
- Tap the toggle to enable Weekend.
- Select which Nights should be considered weekend nights.
- Pick the Bedtime and Awake times for the weekend.
- Tap Save.
How to disable Bedtime
- Launch the Circle app and tap a family member's profile.
- Tap Bedtime.
- Tap the toggle next to the Bedtime you'd like to disable to turn it to the off position.
Things to keep in mind with Circle Bedtimes
- The Bedtime you set up only applies to the profile you set it up for. Need to set up a Bedtime for a specific device or person? Create a profile for that, assign the devices you want, then create the Bedtime you'd like.
Every Bedtime applies to the day it is set for, which also means that each Awake time applied to the following day. For example, if my weekend Bedtime is set for Friday and Saturday, the Awake time I set for those days will apply on Saturday and Sunday.
- The Awake time must be after the Bedtime.
- Bedtime hours cannot overlap with Focus Times.
- You may decide that you'd prefer to exclude one or more days from Bedtime settings altogether. We'll make sure that's what you really want to do just in case you left a day out by accident.
Bedtime is a Premium feature for Circle on NETGEAR accounts. See this article for more details.
Need more help?
Here are some resources that may help: