Feature Video: Profile Setup
Circle Feature: Profile Setup
Profiles are the basis for how Circle manages online time and content for the devices in your home. When you create a Profile, you can set Filters, Time Limits, Bedtimes, and more. Any devices assigned to this Profile will be subject to those settings.
This article covers:
- What you should know about profiles
- Creating a new profile
- Setting up the profile's settings
- Assigning devices to a profile
What should I know about profiles?
- Profiles allow you to manage your family's devices using different settings. You can assign devices to a profile and they will inherit the settings of that profile.
- There is no profile limit and you can set up as many profiles as you'd like (but we don't recommend more than 15 or so due to user interface issues after that).
- You can assign as many or as few devices as you'd like to a profile.
- Find advice on shared devices and profiles here.
- You can edit a profile's name or photo.
Creating a new profile
To create a new profile for your family, launch the Circle app and go to Menu >> Add Profile.
Provide a name and picture
When you start creating a Profile, the first thing you'll be asked is if you are creating a profile for someone else or for yourself. Select one of these options.
Next, you'll be asked to assign a name and a picture. Select “Add Photo,” then you'll see the option to either take a new picture using your phone’s camera or choose a picture from the photos currently on your phone.
When everything appears as you’d like, select Next.
Configure the Filters
When you create a Profile, you'll be asked to select a Filter Level and customize Filter settings.
Assign Devices
Next in Profile creation, you'll be asked to assign devices. From the Device List, you will see all of the devices Circle Home Plus has detected on your home network. Select any device to add it to the Profile you're creating. If you make a mistake here, just select it again to clear the checkmark.
You can skip assigning devices by not selecting a device and selecting "Skip" at the bottom of your screen. If you select a device, the "Skip" button will change to "Continue".
NOTE: Devices already assigned to a profile will have a Profile picture next to them, indicating which Profile it’s assigned to.
An image of two blue rectangles indicates it is currently Unmanaged. An icon with a small house in it indicates the device is assigned to your Home Profile.
In some flows, you may be asked to add a mobile device. If you're not prompted to add a mobile device, no worries. You can add a mobile device later from the Profile's main screen > Devices > Add a Mobile Device.
All Done!
When the device assignment is how you want it, tap Continue. Your new Profile is all ready to go! If you want to create another Profile, tap Add Another Family Profile. Otherwise, tap I'm finished.