Circle Parental Controls Release Notes
This Circle app release includes several design improvements and bug fixes.
User Visible Changes
iOS Specific
- Resolved issue where Circle app was attempting to pair with a Sky hub.
- Resolved issue where login error messages persisted.
Android Specific
- Allow account deletion from within the app.
- Resolved issue where Lock PIN status indicator showed OFF even when Lock PIN was enabled.
This Circle app release includes several design improvements and bug fixes.
User Visible Changes
iOS Specific
- Removed 'Enable Native Login' toggle in Settings.
- Added an alert when trying to save a Focus Time without a name.
- Updates for future Aura login.
- Localization updates.
Android Specific
- Enable limited parent app functionality on Amazon Fire tablets.
- Updates for future Aura login.
- Localization updates.
This Circle app release includes several design improvements and bug fixes.
User Visible Changes
- Apps should properly report ReCharge subscription services
iOS Specific
- Added full-screen support for iPad mini.
- Resolved issues with Circle Home Plus device pairing fails during ReCharge bundle onboarding.
Android Specific
- Updated color for unselected days on day-of-the-week pickers.
- Fixed a frequent app crash issue.
This Circle app release includes several design improvements and bug fixes.
User Visible Changes
- Added "warning" profile badge for profiles without assigned devices.
- Added an app feature tour for iOS and Android.
- Added Scratch from MIT as a managed app.
- Added Discord and Roblox to default platforms.
- Added toggle for Circle device debugging to settings menu.
iOS Specific
- Sorted the Assigned Devices list when setting up new and Home profiles.
This Circle app release includes several design improvements and bug fixes.
User Visible Changes
The Refer-a-friend menu item has been hidden for this release as we replace the provider.
We’re now displaying where the subscription was made in the Subscription Menu.
Android Specific
- We’ve added a tour of Circle’s features on the startup screen. This includes an A/B test where some users will see lifestyle photos while others will see illustrations.
- Fixed issue where some devices were not able to access the Kid dashboard.
- Improved DoT tracking.
- Included .local in the local host handling.
- Improvements to STUN traffic detection.
This Circle app release includes several design improvements and bug fixes.
User Visible Changes
- This release adds parenting info in the app that directs to informational articles, along with links to set up videos.
- Several UI / branding changes.
- Lapsed users will now receive Usage Summary Emails.
iOS Specific
- New minimum iOS version is iOS 13. v2.26 and newer will no longer support iOS 12.
- We now sign out other devices after a reset password.
- Corrected tracking category for some fitness sites.
- Set Kid level default for PUBG to Not Allowed.
- Added Slack tracking.
- Added Twitch tracking.
- Corrected tracking for HBO and Roblox domains.
- Corrected tracking for Minecraft Hypixel server domains.
- Corrected tracking for Amazon domains.
- Updated TikTok tracking domains.
- Updated Netflix and WhatsApp domains.
This Circle app release includes several design improvements and bug fixes.
User Visible Changes
We’ve added a new Menu item for detailing a customer’s Circle subscription info.
As well, the Menu now has a link to our website's “Resources” section.
The app will now warn a user if they have overlapping subscriptions.
iOS Specific
Once the cloud release is complete, users will be able to delete their account from Menu >> Settings.
Users can now search their History by specific devices (the Android app added this in the last release).
With this release the Circle Parental Controls app is compatible with iOS 15.
Android Specific
With this release the Circle Parental Controls app is compatible with Android 12.
Other Notable updates
After a password reset all other devices with admin access will now be logged out.
- Premium level users with at least an hour of Usage logs now receive an email summarizing their Usage for the week.
Added Private Relay servers to list for blocking.
This Circle app release includes several design improvements and bug fixes.
User Visible Changes
Users using the parent app are now able to set up their device with the admin. app for management using the Circle app VPN. We refer to this as self-management.
When onboarding during the app-only experience, users are asked to if they are setting up a profile for themselves or someone else. If they choose to make a profile for themselves, they can manage the device in their hand using the Circle app VPN.
After onboarding when using the app and Circle Home Plus experience the user can edit a profile to set it as their own. (To do so they will need to open the profile then select the option to edit and toggle the profile as their own.) When they do so they can manage the device in their hand using that profile and the Circle app VPN.
The app now uses a native SDK to sign up or login to the Circle account.
This native sign-up will force lowercase email addresses when signing up.
The native sign-up and login include improvements to error messages commonly encountered when logging in or signing up for an account.
The native sign-up and login include improved validation of email address formatting.
Users are now able to reveal their password when signing up or logging in.
Removed the “New” badge from Focus Time feature tab.
Android Specific
Users now can see History for each Device from the device’s settings, or from History by selecting the relevant devices.
Added the ability to add a site to a Focus Time from Filtered History.
iOS Specific
The removal of certain success screens seen during mobile device onboarding.
Improvements to the mobile device onboarding to assist users when setting up.
Stability improvements for the Circle app VPN.
This Circle app release includes several design improvements and bug fixes.
User Visible Changes
Onboarding Improvements
Updated copy to aid the user during set up
Updates to design/graphical assets and some modals
Removed the mobile device setup prompt during initial onboarding of Circle Home Plus
Removed the prompt to add Wi-Fi backup during Circle Home Plus setup
Removed the Time Limit and Bedtime option during profile creation
Changes to address confusion about logging into the parent account
New empty state for profiles with no devices assigned
Badges now appear on a profile based on its settings (In a Bedtime, Paused, reached a Time Limit, in Focus Time)
Got the native login feature to beta
Reduced password complexity to eight characters
Added some error messages related to non-existent accounts
Forced lowercase during sign up
Increased email validation
Android Specific
Changes to the mobile device setup experience
Prompt user to finish on the mobile device before returning to admin
Removed several unnecessary success screens
Changed the “Premium” menu item to say “Subscribe” when the user is in a lapsed state
Added a better user-agent header to assist in troubleshooting
Added an option to pull down on the Home screen to refresh
iOS Specific
The App Store listing now includes an app preview video, and French/Spanish translations for the preview screenshots
Users will now be prompted to “Always Allow” the location permission during mobile device setup
This Circle app release includes several design improvements and bug fixes.
With this release, we’ve added the Focus Time feature to the Android app. And we renamed the Off Time feature to “Focus Time”.
Custom Site Name Matching: when you enter a Custom Site with a domain that matches one our managed apps, you will now see a suggestion to manage that app instead of creating a new custom filter.
Circle on Fire Tablets: This release includes support for installing the Circle mobile device management on Fire tablets.
Updated the Amazon app description and changed its parent category to “Business”.
Removed some deprecated apps (Google Play Music, Periscope, Omlet Chat) from our app list.
Android Specific
Added the ability to set “By reward only” Time Limits, bringing the app into parity with iOS.
Added the ability to search the entire device list, not just the ones on a profile.
Improvements to battery use for the Circle mobile device experience.
Decreased load times for History screen.
iOS Specific
Moved the Custom Filter section to be alongside Apps and Categories. You’ll see this listed now as the “Custom Sites” tab.
This Circle app release includes several design improvements and bug fixes.
Platforms Visibility
When viewing Filter Settings all default apps are now displayed for each Filter Level (Kid, Teen, Adult), and the default setting for the app is shown (Allowed or Not Allowed)
When adding an app to your Filter Settings you can now search for the app you need to add for management. Open Filter Settings and then tap on the “Add App or Website” button.
New Platforms
(With the release of the Platforms DB) PUBG is now supported as a managed app - you’ll be able to set up specific filtering for that, Time Limits, etc.
Circle Home Plus - Weekly Reboot
With the release of firmware, Circle Home Plus devices will reboot once a week automatically. This reboot will happen after 7 days of uptime, between 1:00 AM and 4:00 AM local time to the device. Reboots typically take about 1 minute and the impact should be no more than about a minute loss of logging during the reboot.
Android Specific Items
When changing Filter Settings, the Custom Filter creation dialogue has been moved from the top right to a tab next to Apps and Categories
With this release, the Circle on Chromebooks kid experience has officially exited beta!
This Circle app release includes a number of design improvements and bug fixes.
Improvements and new features
- Created a new app set to better track Google services and domains.
- When editing your Profile's Filter Level settings, you will now see all Apps and Categories listed, even if those are set to Not Allowed by default.
Bug fixes
- Resolves an issue where Circle Bedtimes were not saving correctly.
- Solved an issue where certain Google IP addresses were being classified as Online Games, Facebook, or other incorrect apps/categories.
- Fixed a problem where Rewards were being canceled after midnight.
- IPv6 addresses should now appear in the History logs.
Android-specific improvements and bug fixes
- Improvements to the Circle kid app to reduce battery use.
- Resolved an issue where the app was reporting a Server Error after opening.
iOS-specific improvements and bug fixes
- Added a new Quick Action menu when long-pressing on a profile photo from the main screen. Use the menu to Pause, Unpause, or apply a reward to the profile.
- You can now search the History section for a site to learn when it was visited or filtered.
- Resolved an issue where devices managed by the Circle app were not coming correctly out of Bedtime.
- Fixed an issue where expired accounts could not scan the QR code on a Circle Home Plus and proceed through set up.
- Resolved a problem with the kid app where certain sites were stopped from loading.
- We no longer show an error when creating Off Times after a Bedtime that starts after midnight.
This Circle app update includes an enhanced Filter screen that allows you to search from Circle’s library of supported apps. Now, you won’t need to wait for apps to show up in Usage. Simply search from the Filter screen and add. If you don’t find the app you’re looking for, use the Custom Filter option to add the specific website.
This release also includes updates to our supported apps and websites, design improvements and bug fixes.
Fixes & Improvements
Android Specific Improvements
- Fixed an issue where the app was displaying a Bedtime under the Off Time section.
- Increased reliability when subscribing/checking for to the premium subscription.
- Improvements to the in-app purchase and setup flow.
- Updates to our app/website categorization database.
iOS Specific Improvements
- Added the ability to add popular apps for management right from the Filter Settings page. Scroll to the bottom of the list, then Tap "Add more apps & websites" and search for the app you'd like to add. Check the app and return to the Filter screen so you can set up filters for that app. (Previously made available only in the Android app).
- We now inform you if your profile's Filter is set to None and you tap on a feature that is disabled for that Filter level. You'll need to change the Filter level to Kid, Teen, or Adult to use that feature!
This release includes a new beta capability to install the Circle app directly on select Chromebooks that can run Android apps. This means that you can extend Circle’s coverage of these Chromebooks to manage them outside your home. This release also includes a new feature called Focus Time that lets you set up certain times of the day where only certain apps are allowed.
We would love to hear about your experience with Circle on Chromebook during this beta testing period. To share your thoughts, open the Circle app on Chromebook, tap the Menu button, then tap Share feedback.
Fixes & Improvements
Android Specific
- Added the ability to manage certain Chromebooks using the Circle kid app. See the article here for more details on using Circle with Chromebooks.
- Fixed a crash affecting Android 6 devices.
- Resolved an issue where the Circle account time zone was not being set correctly during setup.
- The Circle kid app will now update its website categorization database upon setup for the latest version.
iOS Specific
On November 18th, 2020 we released firmware version 3.18 for Circle Parental Controls and the Circle Home Plus device.
Fixes & Improvements
- Resolved an issue where Circle was incorrectly categorizing some IP addresses. This should help with issues related to Google Meets or Microsoft Teams being incorrectly filtered.
- Fixed a problem where local DNS requests were not resolving correctly. This should help some local requests resolve much more quickly.
- We're now correctly handling some requests for sites requiring categorization. This will help some requests for connection complete without failing the first time and should be a significant improvement on connectivity issues on less popular sites.
- Updates to our site categorization database.
- We're now categorizing several YouTube download sites as "Apps and Downloads". You can set that category to Not Allowed to block that access.
- Improvements to tracking for the "Among Us" game.
This Circle app update includes design improvements and bug fixes. As always, we're listening to your feedback and are working to improve your experience. If you have questions, please search this website, or contact our support team.
Fixes & Improvements
Android Specific Improvements
- Fixed an issue where the app was displaying a "Can't connect to Circle" error when Pausing or making changes to a profile.
- Resolved issue where the Save button was grayed out after canceling the "Add apps & Websites" flow in the Filter Screen.
- Removed a problem where certain Custom Filters set to "Not Allowed" were being randomly categorized in the Usage view.
- Stopped an issue where some "None" level profiles were appearing as an option for the Time Limit Reward.
iOS Specific Improvements
- Improvements to our app-only and app with Circle device set up crossroad.
- We now display the overarching Category of an App in the Filter and Time Limits view.
- On the Filter Settings page we now display Apps, Categories, and Custom Filters using different tabs
- Fixed an issue where the "Check VPN" icon was not always appearing.
- Resolved problem where the "Restore Purchase" button in the app was only working for the monthly subscription.
- For improved support of iOS 14 and more recent versions we no longer support iOS 11 and below.
Circle Parental Controls Firmware - 3.17
On October 27th, 2020, we released firmware version 3.17 for Circle Parental Controls and the Circle Home Plus device.
Fixes & Improvements
- Updated our platform database (resolves some uncaptured VPN traffic, incorrect categorizations, etc.)
- Improvements to the pairing process and Wi-Fi back up.
- Resolved an issue where Skype IP address were appearing as Facetime or Steam.
- Small number of improvements to how Circle Home Plus handles IPv6 traffic.
- Added a timeout on one of our processes that should reduce issues related to Circle Home Plus going offline.
- Fixed an issue where enabling SafeSearch blocked access to DuckDuckGo.
- Improvements to how Circle blocked DNS over TLS requests.
- Resolved an issue where the Opera VPN was bypassing Circle's controls.
Android Devices with Private DNS settings
With the release of Circle Parental Controls firmware version 3.17 we've added filtering for DNS over TLS. This will cause issues for Android devices using a private DNS provider. The Android OS does not fall back to other DNS settings and so will be blocked from making DNS requests over TLS and no longer be able to reach the Internet. Remove those custom private DNS settings or unmanage the device from Circle to restore connectivity.
With this release, the Filter feature has also been updated so that you can easily search from Circle’s library of supported apps. Now, you won’t need to wait for apps to show up in Usage. Simply search from the Filter screen and add. If you don’t find the app you’re looking for, use the Custom Filter option to add the specific website.
App Updates
Filter settings screen updates: Easily manage your family member's apps and categories using our updates to the Filter page of your profiles.
- We now group Filter settings by Apps and Categories of sites.
- Now you can add any supported App by tapping on the Plus (+) button on the Filters screen.
- We've also added the Category that each App is included under when listed in Usage.
- Finally, if you tap on a Category, you can see which Apps on the profile are included in that.
Protections against private or random MAC addresses: With the release of iOS 14 and Android 10, mobile devices can enable random or private MAC addresses, which will make tracking them using Circle hard. We've included new improvements like a notification and warning badge to help you know when this is enabled on a device. Read more about handling random/private MAC addresses while using Circle.
Fixes & Improvements
- Fixed an issue where the logs for History / Usage were not being sent to the app in a timely manner.
- Fixed another issue where logs that were exceptionally large were not being uploaded correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the Circle device would not connect to the Wi-Fi network when updating the network name or password.
- Fixed an issue where certain IP addresses were incorrectly being labeled as Minecraft.
- Fixed an issue where certain types of connections were being categorized as Roblox.
- Fixed an issue for the iOS app where the "Check VPN" badge was acting inconsistently.
- Fixed an issue for the iOS app where the "Restore Purchase" subscription option failed to work.
- Fixed an issue for the iOS app where firmware updates for Circle Home Plus were not acting reliably.
- Fixed several crashes in the iOS app.
Known Issues
- When adding an additional app using the Plus button, if you do not select an additional app and then cancel or press back, the Filter settings cannot be changed. Change any setting for the ability to change.
Many parents want to make sure that chores, homework, or other responsibilities get attention before their kids enjoy time online. This release introduces Time Limits that are by reward only.
Now, parents can set the Time Limit for a specific app or category to zero minutes, then later use a Reward to extend the time. We also improved Compatibility Mode, enhanced the History view, and optimized the home screen so that it is clearer when a family profile or device is Paused.
App Updates
- Added the ability to set up Time Limits that are by reward only -- The Circle app for iOS and (Android coming soon!) can now set up Time Limits that are by reward only. Learn more here!
- We've improved our checks for Compatibility Mode -- When setting up Circle Home Plus, we will now automatically check to make sure that your managed devices can connect online. Learn more about Compatibility Mode.
- Made it clearer when a profile is Paused -- When a device or profile is Paused, we will now let you know on the home screen using a Pause Badge on the profile icon.
- Cleaner History view -- We've made some improvements to the History view that should make it cleaner by removing mentions of certain Content Distribution Networks and other items parents don't care about seeing in the History view. (Usage calculation will remain the same though!)
Fixes & Improvements
- Fixed an issue where some accounts were going into the basic mode early.
- Optimized several items to make things quicker in the Circle app.
- Fixed an issue where Roblox traffic was being categorized incorrectly as Fortnite, Guild Wars 2, or other traffic was inaccurately classified as Roblox.
- Fixed an issue on the iOS parent app where certain changes to a profile were not saving correctly during creation.
- Fixed an issue in the iOS app where the QR code scan was failing to proceed correctly and added more relevant errors. Added logging on this as well.
- Fixed an issue where the alert badges for the iOS Kid App managed devices were not displaying correctly.
- Made some improvements in the iOS app to the "Setup Kid App" to make the language clearer.
- Fixed an issue where the iOS Kid App devices were not getting settings updates immediately when receiving a notification.